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Sonya Leigh Anderson

Later today Kyle and I will pack our bags and make our escape. I’ve been giddy all week with anticipation. It’s become our December tradition – anniversary celebration and Christmas preparation, both. Just the two of us for an overnight stay someplace romantic, and holiday shopping turned from drudgery to delight. A most wonderful time of the year.

When the boys were younger we had another practice. Every December on the 16th or near it, we’d both take the day off while our kids went to school. We’d stoke up a fire, light candles and tree, linger long over breakfast, just the two of us for an entire day. Then came the year when a college-bound boy surprised us by showing up early for his Christmas vacation, and Oh, hello. Not quite what we’d hoped for, and time, it seemed, for a change of venue.

So this morning I’ll be making my lists and checking them twice, in hopes boys left at home will be less naughty than nice. Not to mention the puppy-dog. Just yesterday a nieghbor called while I was still at work – Is Maple at home? I think I just saw her… Escaped just like that.

A boy, who shall remain nameless, nearly lit our Advent wreath on fire on purpose last time we attempted family devos. Hide all the matches. On my list, too.

Gift cards for dinners. A new battery for Maple’s collar. A text to Grammy, filling her in.

I tell you, it’s worth it. Forty-eight hours just me and my hubby. How soon can we leave?

Don’t get me wrong. I love this crew of knuckleheads. Truth be told, they’ll be the center of every conversation from the minute we begin our driveway descent. We’ll replay, at least once, Jimmy’s first ever basketball game last week when his JV team was down by a point in the final seconds, and it was Jimmy who laid up that game-winning shot. And we’ll talk about how Felipe needs a job, but aren’t we impressed with how independent he’s becoming, making dates with friends, and he’s spending less time gaming and more time creating. We’ll talk about all kinds of holiday plans, Ali’s visit the week after next, the same week Nils heads home for vacation. We wish Grant and Kiana could make it home sooner, and is there any way we could get to Des Moines for a pre-Christmas service? Then there’s my brother and family, and their big move from Wisconsin to Colorado right on top of Christmas, and we’re all hoping they’ll still be able to bring all those adorable kids to Minnesota for our family gathering. The schedule’s bound to be crazy, for them and us. Every year there’s another extended family to consider in our maze of planning. In-laws and sweethearts of brothers and cousins.

So we’ll make our lists and we’ll check them twice. And we’ll pray for each one, whether naughty or nice. We’ll count our own blessings, along the way, too. Twenty-eight anniversaries, and a weekend with you (:

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