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Dr. Doug & Mrs. Deb

Sonya Leigh Anderson

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25 NIV) 

Whenever someone asks about how we know the Huffmans, we have to chuckle. Goodness. It’s been a long history involving many states, a number of moves, and the will of God keeping us always in some sort of proximity. Kyle and Doug graduated from the same high school in Alexandria, Minnesota. Later Kyle and Deb worked for the same company in Lincolnshire, Illinois, and during our early days of living in the Chicago suburbs, we went to the same Village Church, which all of us loved. (The same church, also, as the Jenkins’ family, now of Chosen fame. More of that in a minute.) 

The Huffmans were the first to move back to Minnesota, and a year or so later we followed. Our kids knew the Huffmans as Dr. Doug and Mrs. Deb. We had a tradition of going to the State Fair together. Even as a little boy Luke was enamored with Dr. Doug’s library, which had its own Dewey Decimal System. The Huffmans also had an in-home theater with reclining seats, where the boys ate popcorn and watched movies on a big screen. 

The library and the theater eventually moved to southern California. Doug and Deb, too. And eventually, also, our family would follow. Not all of us this time, but a son and his family. More than enough to keep a strong connection. 

Dr. Doug is somewhat famous now. A certain segment of the population recognize his face in public, asking for selfies and autographs. It’s because of The Chosen. Dr. Huffman serves as a Bible consultant for the series, and leads roundtable discussions. Of course, our brilliant friend is also esteemed for his academic prowess and biblical scholarship. He’s a seminary dean, and a renowned author. A remarkable man. But this post is not actually about him. 

This post is about Mrs. Deb. 

Deb is one of the most truly exceptional people I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. She is generous and hospitable and can make a person feel known and loved in a way I’m not sure I can even explain. The way she asks questions and listens deeply to your answers makes you feel absolutely cherished. She remembers special occasions and sends cards. When we visited their home last weekend, I arrived with a bouquet of flowers I’d picked up at a grocery store in route. In contrast, Deb greeted me (in her own home, mind you) with a gift bag filled with lavish surprises, each selected intentionally for me, each with a corresponding Bible verse of encouragement. 

During our visit Kyle and I spent a couple of hours with Doug and Deb in their impressive library. The four of us savored a leisurely afternoon enjoying the most authentic fellowship imaginable. Inspired by Deb’s intentional and thoughtful questions, each of us had the opportunity to process the joys and challenges of our current life and work, and by the end, I felt like I’d been sitting at the feet of Jesus.

I could not be like Deb if I spent the rest of my life trying. And the sweet thing is, I don’t have to. Deb is doing the good work God prepared especially for her at the beginning of time.

My work is different, but no less important. Deb showed me this last weekend, too. We’d been eating lunch at Downtown Disney and between bites of pizza I’d told a story. Later—in the library—my sweet friend remembered something I’d said, and wanted to know more. One story led to another and before long the Spirit was stirring and spurring and encouraging all of us in ways we hadn’t expected. 

It’s been a tough couple of years for Deb, but you wouldn’t know it. She faced a life-threatening illness, lost vision in one eye. Eventually she’d decide to leave a job where she’d known success and been valued. This is not the life she expected. And yet, Deb is one of the most fruitful kingdom workers I know. She is a tree whose branches are lush with every Spirit fruit. The fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and all the others. 

I speak as one who has feasted. 

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